Wednesday 18 January 2012

I keep my mind open
I do that partly because I am creative more than logical.
I am not offended by art, because art opens up a persons personality. I explain myself through words and imagery rather than finding out reason for the way I am through facts or science. All in all, in the past year, I feel I have really developed as a person and know I can push myself further.

Tuesday 17 January 2012

Thanks for asking me for this online digital portfolio:

I have been working on everything in this portfolio for almost 2 years, so I hope you like it. This portfolio consists of; Computer Arts: Animation, Typography, Illustration, Logo Design, Poster-based Advertising, Website Design, Photography and Magazine Design.
Manual based art: Observational and Experimental Drawing.
I was only asked to put up to 12 images so I tried to choose broadly.

I am passionate about Graphic design, that is why I want to pursue the path through university and be a successful designer/director. I know I am passionate because I still like to design as my hobby. What's better than doing something you enjoy as work? I like to construct new ideas in form of sketches and finalize them also as a digital piece. I don't like to leave things half done. I like to experiment with my ideas and try things in other forms, such as swapping my typography and imagery ideas in the same brief to find the best fit or trying new materials and processes. I don't mind being given criticism I see it as a milestone that leads to more experimenting to find the best outcome.

I want to join your programme because the types of graphic design areas covered are my most preferred. I like the area you are situated in and think the university will be a great place to study.

Observational illustration digital

This was inspired by Michael Craig Martin. I chose to look at this artist and do an observational drawing of household and office items and put them together temporarily until I had finished my sketch. After this I made a digital piece to refine my illustration. I added the word 'ART' to the design because it was required after being asked to use it for the colleges art show poster.

'mi Adidas' advertising brief

This is my poster design advertising 'mi adidas' created by Adidas. 'mi adidas' is a convention based on personal customization of your shoes. The thought behind this piece was to send across the message by wearing these shoes attractive people will be attracted to you. My target audience was mainly male. I think by using a anonymous silhouette of a women lets you have your own imagination of the women who'd be attracted to you. I had many ideas for my tagline, including "Attractive Attracts", "No one can create your personality", "Be yourself" etc. I Think using "See how you'd look" also helps the silhouette image because both the slogan and silhouette now relate. I think they relate because they both state no knowledge of the model that could be attracted to you. The slogan I used also provokes thoughts like this:
"See how I'd look, with these trainers I designed, and this woman!".
My inspiration was based on other shoe designers' advertisements, including Nike, Reebok, and Umbro. I wanted to be unique and go for something which would definitely attract my target audience so I used women as imagery. The silhouettes give off the image of a beautiful woman standing behind you looking round at you with the trainers in the foreground. They remind you of stereotypical beautiful woman (blonde hair and slim).

Website brief screen shots

This was my website I did as part of a website brief. Previously I looked at how to use certain elements to make website pages and with this knowledge I was left to my own devices to produce my own, fully functioning website. there was certain requirements to the outcome I had to consider and I applied all of them. These included; working on html, Rollovers, Lightbox, javasripts, css, to use text with the edit rule and to include a previous brief to the gallery with info.

All work came with development in a journal which recorded my progress from start to finish with many screen shots along the journey. I am happy with the outcome. My typography for the logo is also in a contemporary style.

Harley-Davidson animation

These are screen shots of an animation produced for a brief. In this brief I had to produce an animation for the brand I chose (this brief was a carry on from the tattoo brief that I spoke about at the bottom). Previously, in the last brief, I made the logo which was to be used for the animation. All images and animation process started from sketches in my journal and then developed on the macs after research and lots of manual development of all these aspects.

Illustration for Portfolio

This was inspired by McBess who works mainly with black and white. He is inspired by his own hobbies and life. I produced this first as a pencil drawing, of me and my personality, and then scanned it in to the iMac where I designed a digital version of it. Other than this I have a completed manual illustration done with fine liner to refine it.